There are a number of signs, which can be observed in the eyes, that can also lead to uncovering conditions not just related to your vision, but other problems arising within your body. Anisocoria is one of those conditions and its causes can also vastly vary from harmless to very serious ones.
What is Anisocoria?
This condition is characterised by a difference in the sizes between the pupils of the eye. The pupils regulate the amount of light passing through them depending on the environment you are in. They are usually synchronised, but when it comes to people with this condition, they are uneven in terms of size.
This condition can be inherited from birth or acquired further on in life. In many of the cases it is benign, however, a lot of the acquired cases of Anisocoria, which do not pass on their own, can be a good reason to stay alarmed and book an appointment with your eye specialist. Apart from the condition not going away, another sign that can be alarming, is if the difference in size between the eyes is way too big.
Anisocoria, itself is a symptom, but it very often does not come alone. Apart from the visible difference between the pupils of your eye, there are various other discomforts that you can experience. Among the other symptoms which can be packed together with Anisocoria, you can experience:
- fever
- having a tough time moving and focusing your eyes
- headaches
- various vision changes, like blurred and double vision, with a possibility for a loss of vision too
- eye pain
Those are a very small part of the possible accompanying symptoms, you might experience, each of them pointing towards a different possibility.
What are some potential causes?
Among the most common and easily detectable causes of Anisocoria are those caused by head traumas and injuries. Concussion results from those and along with direct damage to the eye, could easily result in uneven eyes, too.
Issues with the nervous system can make you more susceptible to Anisocoria. Aneurysms can also be a cause for the condition as well as bleeding in the skull.
Optic nerve inflammation could also cause your pupil to have a different appearance, than that of the pupil of your other eye. Iritis and Horner's syndrome are other common causes for Anisocoria to appear.
There are also a number of drugs, which can result in this condition, so you need to make sure to let your eye specialist for any treatments that you might be taking.
How do you treat Anisocoria?
In many cases, Anisocoria does not even need to be treated. It could simply go away as quickly as it came, not to be heard from for a very long time or ever. However, if you experience this multiple times or constantly you will need to find what the cause for the Anisocoria is.
You will have to recall any other discomforts you might have recently experienced, which might hint at what is troubling your body. There are also a wide variety of examinations that can be performed on you to determine where the issue lies, such as CT, eye exams and more.
Once the cause is discovered, treatments aimed at the underlying condition should prove effective in dealing with your case of Anisocoria too.
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